Wednesday, October 24, 2007

This shot was taken at Esquimalt Lagoon.

I love the flattened appearance of the dead tree mixed against the coloured scrub brush.


Daryl said...

I like it... kinda flat looking, but a nice contrast between the colour and grey (I guess that's technically a colour too). Looking at the other one I commented on previously again... it reminds me of a stained glass window. Anyway, how'd the meeting go on Tuesday? I was in an electronics lab that night... so that's my sorry excuse for not coming to show my support.

Rob Jirucha said...

Meeting....hmmm. You must mean council? Still up and coming. Hopefully, next week, if I can get the proposal in by then. I think so. Jake M spoke to us after church on Sunday about the project. i'll pass that info on to you.