Friday, June 15, 2007

These are some pics from a recent trip to Kananaskis Country. KC is between Banf and Calgary.

Highlight #1 (sort of) - On my first night, I ate something that made me violently ill. It was the worst stomach rollercoaster of my life. Alone, in the woods. Nowhere, no one. In the middle of it, I thought about the sign I saw earlier in the day: "You are in grizzly bear country." I thought, "If only...anything to take away this pain. I'm yours. Please find me, maul me."

Highlight #2 - During a hike, I encountered some bear tracks. Given the moist snow and warm temp's, it was easy to see that the tracks were just minutes old. I began singing quite loudly during the remainder of the hike, "Keep me safe O God, for in you I take refuge." Further into the hike, I wondered how much I trusted these words when I realized I was tightly clutching a knife in one hand and bear spray in the other as I sang these words over and over and over and over...


Daryl said...

Hey Rob! Nice photographs. The first one looks like a painting... post processing, camera trick, or just the way it turned out? Glad to have you back. See you Sunday.


Rob Jirucha said...

Thank you, my friend. Yes, it's good to be back from travels. I'm looking forward to the summer. Hopefully, some more hikes, eh?

This pick was in the evening. There was some light, but just barely. Snow was falling. I used a long exposure and really high ISO. So, the snow created some of the steaking. And the ISO (film speed equivalent) creates a graining effect. I'm sure your camera has it. Sometimes, the grain-look works well, other times it doesn't. Just depends. Yet, higher ISO means you have to adjust aperture and shutter accordingly.

Daryl said...

cool. I usually keep my ISO low cause I never liked the graininess. I never thought to use it to my advantage... I'll have to try that sometime.